United will win it...

Published: Friday, 12 August 2016

The problem with pre-season predictions is that they can very easily make you look a mug. Well - Leicester can - spectacularly! 

 I had them down for relegation last season. My only consolation is that I wasn't the only one!

 Nobody, literally nobody, could foresee what happened. I'm not sure even now that Leicester fans can quite understand or believe how their season worked out. How did they win the P Lge?

 There were many reasons, but let's be clear about this, they won it because they deserved to. They earned it. 

 Having said that, the 'big boys' weren't very good were they? I had Arsenal down to win it - and they really should've done. Finishing second, ahead of Spurs, was quite an achievement in the end, but small consolation for Gunners' fans, who know their team missed a wonderful chance last season. 

 United were poor. City disappointed, but the speculation surrounding Guardiola, who was always going to take charge this season, had an impact. Pellegrini, who's success was with Mancini's team, had no chance. Remember the nonsense about him extending his contract as City tried to quell the speculation? I told you then it was a red herring.